Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't Let Me Down

I saw a news article about Boston College today. A few days ago the CNA reported that BC decided to hang a Crucifix in all of the 151 classrooms on campus.
Click here to read the story.

I am all for the decision to display the icon of our faith, and I find it odd that several professors and faculty on campus disagree with the changes. This and other articles suggest that the Crucifix comes across as divisive -- that it appears offensive to non-Christians who happen to teach there.

Alas, human beings will always look upon the Good (be it self-sacrifice, freedom, or love) and call it something just the opposite. I imagine at the actual Crucifixion that the nearby Roman guards might have held a different interpretation than the mother of Jesus. Sometimes people don't like putting up with love, so they tear it down.

In a country where we have an inundation of icons secular and sour, let's raise this One a little higher. Don't let him down. In the words of George William Kitchin who wrote in 1887: "Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim, till all the world adore His sacred Name."

First Georgetown. Then BC. Maybe next will be Loyola Chicago!

Oh, and lest I forget the significance of this day ... loving birthday wishes to my model of faith.
Happy birthday to my dear and beloved Mom.

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